2007年4月8日 星期日



1.He have studied english for 5 years--------o
2.He have died for 5 years--------------------x

Three method for die
1. It is 5 years since he die.
2. It has been 5 years since he die
3. He has been dying(adj) for 5 years.
been +adj表狀態

He is at home.
He is home.---o
All (that) I want to do is (to) hit him on the nose.
What I want to do is (to) hit him on the back.
重點1是all 及what引導句子.....to通常省略


1. I will never +V....................
Never will I +V.................
By nomeans will I +V...........

2. stay at home = stay home

3. The main reason is that ...............(writing method)
The main reason is because.........( Oral method)